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Have you ever planted something and watched it grow? Maybe you grew something in a garden or somewhere in you front or backyard. When it’s finished growing aren’t you proud of what you made? You planted something and it grew because of you. You invested it in something and it grew. Whether it be some fruit or a large tree, it grew because of what you did. This is the same thing in life. Our actions bear consequences. We should invest wisely and make eternal investments. Like many other people, I was raised to value things of this world. What can I do to make myself happier? I never really thought about the benefits of investing in other people. I wanted to be rich and money but never thought about being rich towards other people. After studying the Christian faith, I learned that the Christian duty is to think outside of one’s own personal interest. The best way to do this is generosity towards others. Everyday we are confronted with issues that make us want more.

You may go to a friends house that is nicer than yours or see someone driving a nicer car. Our immediate reaction is to want what they have. Everyone is told to desire the “good life.” But when you get down to it, this isn’t our permanent residence. We really can’t take those things with us. I’m not saying we don’t need anything for ourselves. We need money to survive. But we usually want we can’t have when nothing ever seems to be good enough. The things we use to fills this gap often leave us empty though. The true wealth is investing in what God wants. God can fill that gap for us. Many people fill this gap with money, sex, television. You name it. But I feel true fufillment is investing in God’s Kingdom.

Psalm 49 16-17:

Don’t be afraid of rich people because their houses are more beautiful. They don’t take anything to the grave; their wealth won’t go down with them.

1 Timothy 6: 17-19

Command those who are rich with things of this world no to be proud. Tell them to hope in God, not in their uncertain riches. God richly gives us everything we enjoy. Tell the rich people to do good, to be rich in doing good deeds, to be generous and ready to share. By doing that, they will be saving a treasure for themselves as a strong foundation for the future. Then they will be able to have the life that is true life.